Wetterdaten | |||
LETZTE AKTUALISIERUNG UM: 23:45 DATUM: 31 März 2025 | |||
Aktuelles Wetter | mostly clear/Night | Aktuelle Temperatur | 6.8°C (44.2°F), Apparent temp 5.7°C |
Höchsttemperatur (seit Mitternacht) | 11.6°C um: 17:20 | Tiefsttemperatur (seit Mitternacht) | 5.9°C um: 10:13 |
Windgeschwindigkeit (10 Minuten ) | 0.0 kmh (0.0 kts) | Windrichtung (Dir) (10 Minuten ) | E (90°) |
Windchill Temperatur | 6.8°C | Windspitzen (letzte Std) | 1.7 kmh (0.9 kts) um: 23:19 |
Windspitzen (seit Mitternacht) | 18.5 kmh (10.0 kts) um: 04:28 | Höchstes Windmittel / Minute (seit Mitternacht) | 10.5 kmh (5.7 kts) um: 04:29 |
Regenmenge (letzte Std) | 0.0 mm | Regenmenge (seit Mitternacht) | 0.0 mm (0.00 in.)--- |
Regenmenge diesen Monat | 20.0 mm (0.79 in.) | Regenmenge seit Jahresbeginn | 130.6 mm (5.14 in.) |
Höchste Regenmenge pro Minute (letzte Std) | 0.0 mm/min | Höchste Regenmenge pro Stunde (letzte 6 Std) | 0.0 mm/stunde |
Regenmenge Gestern | 0.0 mm | Taupunkt | 1.7°C (Wet Bulb :4.7°C ) |
Luftfeuchtigkeit | 70 %, Humidex 5.1°C | Aktueller Luftdruck (auf Meereshöhe bezogen) | 1026.7 hPa |
Luftdrucktendenz | 0.0 hPa (letzte Std) | Trend (letzte 1 Std) | gleichbleibend |
Luftdrucktendenz (letzte 12 Std) | +2.3 hPa | Luftdrucktendenz (letzte 6 Std) | +1.6 hPa |
Maximum Soil temperature (seit Mitternacht) | 17.2°C | Minimum Soil temperature(seit Mitternacht) | 8.9°C |
Current Soil temperature 17°C | |||
Current Solar 0 W/m² | |||
Maximum solar (seit Mitternacht) | 345 W/m² | Minimum solar(seit Mitternacht) | 0 W/m² |
Current 01:23 hours of sunshine today, current sky: Nicht bestimmbar (Nachtzeit)/Dry/A few clouds | |||
Sunshine hours for the year: | 2045:18 hrs | Sunshine hours for the month: | 82:54 hrs |
Current evapotranspiration rate 1.1 mm per day. Yesterday's reading 1.1 |
Stuttgart-Echterdingen, Germany (EDDS) 48-41N 009-13E 391M Mar 31, 2025 - 05:20 PM EDT / 2025.03.31 2120 UTC Wind: from the NNE (020 degrees) at 1 MPH (1 KT):0 Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0 Sky conditions: mostly clear Temperature: 44 F (7 C) Dew Point: 33 F (1 C) Relative Humidity: 65% Pressure (altimeter): 30.27 in. Hg (1025 hPa) ob: EDDS 312120Z AUTO 02001KT 9999 FEW045 07/01 Q1025 cycle: 21 Augsburg, Germany (EDMA) 48-26N 010-56E 463M Mar 31, 2025 - 05:20 PM EDT / 2025.03.31 2120 UTC Wind: Calm:0 Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0 Sky conditions: overcast Temperature: 39 F (4 C) Dew Point: 33 F (1 C) Relative Humidity: 80% Pressure (altimeter): 30.27 in. Hg (1025 hPa) ob: EDMA 312120Z AUTO 00000KT 9999 // OVC058/// 04/01 Q1025 cycle: 21 Nuernberg, Germany (EDDN) 49-30N 011-03E 318M Mar 31, 2025 - 05:20 PM EDT / 2025.03.31 2120 UTC Wind: from the NNW (330 degrees) at 3 MPH (3 KT) (direction variable):0 Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0 Temperature: 42 F (6 C) Dew Point: 33 F (1 C) Relative Humidity: 70% Pressure (altimeter): 30.27 in. Hg (1025 hPa) ob: EDDN 312120Z AUTO 33003KT 280V350 CAVOK 06/01 Q1025 cycle: 21 Berlin-Tegel, Germany (EDDT) 52-34N 013-19E 37M Nov 09, 2020 - 01:50 AM EST / 2020.11.09 0650 UTC Wind: from the E (090 degrees) at 7 MPH (6 KT) (direction variable):0 Visibility: 1 mile(s):0 Sky conditions: overcast Weather: mist Temperature: 42 F (6 C) Dew Point: 41 F (5 C) Relative Humidity: 93% Pressure (altimeter): 30.33 in. Hg (1027 hPa) ob: EDDT 090650Z 09006KT 050V120 3000 BR OVC003 06/05 Q1027 cycle: 7 Friedrichshafen, Germany (EDNY) 47-40N 009-31E 424M Mar 31, 2025 - 05:20 PM EDT / 2025.03.31 2120 UTC Wind: from the ENE (070 degrees) at 2 MPH (2 KT):0 Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0 Sky conditions: mostly cloudy Temperature: 39 F (4 C) Dew Point: 33 F (1 C) Relative Humidity: 80% Pressure (altimeter): 30.27 in. Hg (1025 hPa) ob: EDNY 312120Z AUTO 07002KT 9999 // BKN083/// 04/01 Q1025 cycle: 21 Hamburg-Finkenwerder, Germany (EDHI) 53-32N 009-50E 13M Mar 31, 2025 - 05:20 PM EDT / 2025.03.31 2120 UTC Wind: Variable at 1 MPH (1 KT):0 Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0 Temperature: 41 F (5 C) Dew Point: 37 F (3 C) Relative Humidity: 86% Pressure (altimeter): 30.36 in. Hg (1028 hPa) ob: EDHI 312120Z AUTO VRB01KT 9999 // NCD 05/03 Q1028 cycle: 21 Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, Netherlands (EHAM) 52-18N 004-46E -2M Mar 31, 2025 - 05:25 PM EDT / 2025.03.31 2125 UTC Wind: from the NNE (020 degrees) at 7 MPH (6 KT):0 Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0 Temperature: 42 F (6 C) Dew Point: 37 F (3 C) Relative Humidity: 81% Pressure (altimeter): 30.42 in. Hg (1030 hPa) ob: EHAM 312125Z 02006KT CAVOK 06/03 Q1030 NOSIG cycle: 21 Stockholm/Skavsta, Sweden (ESKN) 58-47N 016-55E Mar 31, 2025 - 05:20 PM EDT / 2025.03.31 2120 UTC Wind: from the WNW (290 degrees) at 2 MPH (2 KT):0 Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0 Temperature: 30 F (-1 C) Dew Point: 30 F (-1 C) Relative Humidity: 100% Pressure (altimeter): 30.27 in. Hg (1025 hPa) ob: ESKN 312120Z 29002KT CAVOK M01/M01 Q1025 cycle: 21 Ramstein, Germany (ETAR) 49-26N 007-36E 237M Mar 31, 2025 - 04:55 PM EDT / 2025.03.31 2055 UTC Wind: Calm:0 Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0 Sky conditions: overcast Temperature: 41.5 F (5.3 C) Dew Point: 31.6 F (-0.2 C) Relative Humidity: 67% Pressure (altimeter): 30.29 in. Hg (1025 hPa) Pressure tendency: 0.03 inches (0.9 hPa) higher than three hours ago ob: ETAR 312055Z 00000KT 9999 OVC065 05/M00 A3029 RMK AO2A SLP266 T00531002 51009 cycle: 21 Laupheim, Germany (ETHL) 48-13N 009-55E 550M Mar 31, 2025 - 05:20 PM EDT / 2025.03.31 2120 UTC Wind: from the NNW (330 degrees) at 1 MPH (1 KT):0 Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0 Sky conditions: mostly cloudy Temperature: 41 F (5 C) Dew Point: 33 F (1 C) Relative Humidity: 75% Pressure (altimeter): 30.24 in. Hg (1024 hPa) ob: ETHL 312120Z 33001KT 9999 BKN050 05/01 Q1024 BLU cycle: 21 Gran Canaria - Canary Islands, Spain (GCLP) 27-56N 015-23W 47M Mar 31, 2025 - 05:30 PM EDT / 2025.03.31 2130 UTC Wind: from the E (090 degrees) at 10 MPH (9 KT):0 Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0 Sky conditions: mostly clear Temperature: 68 F (20 C) Dew Point: 62 F (17 C) Relative Humidity: 82% Pressure (altimeter): 30.00 in. Hg (1016 hPa) ob: GCLP 312130Z 09009KT 9999 FEW030 20/17 Q1016 NOSIG cycle: 21 Hurguada, Egypt (HEGN) 27-09N 033-43E 14M Mar 31, 2025 - 11:00 AM EDT / 2025.03.31 1500 UTC Wind: Calm:0 Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0 Temperature: 77 F (25 C) Dew Point: 53 F (12 C) Relative Humidity: 44% Pressure (altimeter): 29.80 in. Hg (1009 hPa) ob: HEGN 311500Z 00000KT CAVOK 25/12 Q1009 NOSIG cycle: 15 Chicago / Meigs, IL, United States (KCGX) 41-52N 087-36W Jun 18, 2008 - 01:45 PM EDT / 2008.06.18 1745 UTC Wind: from the NW (310 degrees) at 6 MPH (5 KT):0 Visibility: 15 mile(s):0 Sky conditions: overcast Temperature: 57 F (14 C) Dew Point: 51 F (11 C) Relative Humidity: 82% Pressure (altimeter): 29.89 in. Hg (1012 hPa) ob: KCGX 181745Z 31005KT 15SM BKN014 OVC030 14/11 A2989 cycle: 18 Paris-Aeroport Charles De Gaulle, France (LFPG) 49-01N 002-32E 109M Mar 31, 2025 - 05:30 PM EDT / 2025.03.31 2130 UTC Wind: from the NE (050 degrees) at 10 MPH (9 KT) (direction variable):0 Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0 Temperature: 46 F (8 C) Dew Point: 33 F (1 C) Relative Humidity: 61% Pressure (altimeter): 30.30 in. Hg (1026 hPa) ob: LFPG 312130Z 05009KT 030V100 CAVOK 08/01 Q1026 NOSIG cycle: 21 Hyeres, France (LFTH) 43-06N 006-09E 4M Mar 31, 2025 - 05:30 PM EDT / 2025.03.31 2130 UTC Wind: from the NW (320 degrees) at 7 MPH (6 KT):0 Visibility: greater than 7 mile(s):0 Temperature: 51 F (11 C) Dew Point: 41 F (5 C) Relative Humidity: 66% Pressure (altimeter): 29.91 in. Hg (1013 hPa) ob: LFTH 312130Z AUTO 32006KT CAVOK 11/05 Q1013 NOSIG cycle: 21
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